Sessions & Fees
â—™ BREAKFAST (8:30 am - 9:00 am) - £5
â—™ MORNING (9:10 am - 12:10 pm) -£24.00
â—™ LUNCH (12:00 pm - 13:00 pm)-£6
â—™ AFTERNOON (12:10 pm - 15:00 pm)-£24.00
âš« Breakfast will be provided on request.
âš« Packed lunch must be provided by the parents.
Please note that we are a nut-free preschool.
Universal Funding
The Government provides funding for children aged 2 and 3 which can be used towards 15 hours per week for childcare. From September 2023, we will only be accepting universal funding for our morning sessions.
We accept all childcare vouchers and also payments via the Government's Tax-Free Childcare Scheme. Please see childcarechoices.gov.uk for further details
Find out about 2-3 year old funding from the childcarechoices.gov.uk
Families can check their eligibility for 30 hours of funding via the following Government website childcarechoices.gov.uk
Fees are invoiced termly and we can accept childcare vouchers as payment. We are able to arrange for smaller, more regular payments in exceptional circumstances. Each 3 hour session is £20 and will be increasing to £24 from September 2024). Fees are payable for all booked sessions, regardless of absence due to illness or holidays taken during term time.
Lunch Club
For children not attending a full day, the morning session can be extended by attending lunch club 12 pm-1 pm for a fee of £6.00 per lunch club session. Children must bring in their own healthy, nut-free, sweets-free packed lunch to eat during this time.
Breakfast Club
We also offer a Breakfast club for children to be dropped off at 8.15 am. This is payable at £5 per session.
A deposit of £100 is payable to secure places offered to ALL children from September 2024 (with the exception of 2-year funded places). This deposit is returned to you during your child's last term provided all fees have been paid or funding successfully claimed, and a minimum of half a term's notice given that your child is leaving the preschool.